This asynchronous online workshop, jointly offered by Lehman College and CUNY School of Professional Studies, will provide a deep dive into Open Educational Resources (OER) and how to find, evaluate and integrate them into your courses. Appropriate for those new to the subject as well as those who have already worked with OER.
SPS and Lehman faculty participating in this workshop will select an OER textbook or other OER content and create a plan for implementation as their final project. The estimated time-on-task for participants completing this workshop is 7 hours, including the final project.
Participants completing this workshop will
- Define the various types of OER
- Distinguish between the different OER permissions for adoption, attribution, and reuse
- Identify collections of resources that provide OER relevant to their own course and discipline
- Evaluate OER using appropriate standards and criteria
- Select an OER textbook or other OER content for inclusion in their course
- Draft a plan or outline that can be used to implement revisions or integration of the chosen OER within their course
To be successful in the course, we advise you to log in frequently, 5-7 times during the week or spend an average of 45 minutes a day.
This course is adapted from materials from Leonard Lief Library Research Guide on Open Educational Resources (OER) and the Leonard Lief Library OER Fellowship Blackboard Course and from content created by Susan Ko of CUNY School of Professional Studies, Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology, and Olena Zhadko of Lehman College, Office of Online Education. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY NC SA)
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to
- Distinguish between the different OER permissions for adoption, attribution, and reuse
- Choose Subscribed and Free to Students but NOT OER
Schedule of Activities
This module contains all the resources and links to activities you need to complete. Use this checklist to create your to-do list.
Step 1: Watch an overview video
Step 2: Review the definitions and terminology of OER
Step 3: Review the materials on Copyright, Creative Commons, and Public Domain
Step 4: Read about Subscribed and Free to Students but NOT OER
Step 5: Participate in the Discussion Forum by answering at least to one of the three posted questions and by commenting on your colleague’s response.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to
- Identify collections of resources that provide OER relevant to your own course and discipline
- Use Google to find OER
Schedule of Activities
This module contains all the resources and links to activities you need to complete. Use this checklist to create your to-do list.
Step 1: Read about where to find OER.
Step 2: Review institutional utilization and resources.
Step 3: Review OER general collections and repositories folder.
Step 4: Watch the video lecture on using Google Advanced Search to find OER.
Step 5: Participate in the Discussion Forum by answering at least to one of the three posted questions and by commenting on your colleague’s response.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to
- Evaluate OER using appropriate standards and criteria
- Select an OER textbook or other OER content for inclusion in their course
- Draft a plan or outline that can be used to implement revisions or integration of the chosen OER within their course
Schedule of Activities
This module contains all the resources and links to activities you need to complete. Use this checklist to create your to-do list.
Step 1: Review evaluation criteria in consideration of learning outcomes.
Step 2: Review how to make OER more accessible.
Step 3: Review the adapting or adopting folder.
Step 4: Read about integrating OER.
Step 5: Participate in the Discussion Forum by answering at least to one of the three posted questions and by commenting on your colleague’s response.
Final Project Worksheet
Select at least one OER for use in your course, provide a rationale for selecting it (e.g., fulfills learning outcomes, provides coverage of topics needed, is by well-respected expert author, is the best of the available OER, etc.) and create a plan for integrating it in your course. Download the “OER Final Project Worksheet” document attached above. Fill it out and submit as a Word document via the Final Project link (above).
Take inventory of your course and note the areas that will need attention, changes, revisions. Once you actually begin to revise your course, you will want to create a more complete project plan, adding a column for due dates, perhaps one for checking off each section completed and by whom, etc.
An example is shown via the attached document which you may use as a template for your worksheet. Click on and download the attached document above. Delete the information in the cells and replace it with your own actual information.
Your worksheet should include and will be scored on the following (worth total 55 points) :
- Information and rationale about your OER
- Clarification about the OER used in the course and learning outcomes it will fulfill
- Details on what is needed to adapt to selected OER in all relevant areas of the course